Volunteer with Colorado Legal Services
Volunteers are almost always needed to support Coloradans on various civil legal matters. We welcome everyone who is interested in being part of our work to defend low-income Coloradans, including attorneys, paralegals, law students, and social workers.
Both virtual and in-person opportunities are often available, from supporting individual clients on family and elder law matters to virtual and in-person eviction clinics and other events designed to help folks understand their rights on a number of topics. We also welcome help in our various offices welcoming clients and assisting with legal document preparation.
Fill out the form at the bottom of this page if you are interested in helping low-income Coloradans with their civil legal needs, and your local pro-bono coordinator will reach out for more information.
To view urgent volunteer needs and open internship positions, visit our careers page.

Colorado Rules of Professional Conduct 6.1
Every lawyer has a professional responsibility to provide legal services to those unable to pay. A lawyer should aspire to render at least fifty hours of pro bono publico legal services per year.
CLE Credit for Pro Bono Work
One CLE credit is available for every five pro bono hours, up to a maximum of nine credits for 45 hours in each reporting period.
Colorado Supreme Court, Annual Recognition of Pro Bono Commitment & Achievement
If you commit to perform 50 hours of pro bono work per year, as a firm and as an individual attorney you will be recognized.
“Limited Scope” Representation, CRCP Rule 11 and Rule 121
Allows you to enter an appearance on a limited basis. Provides for withdrawal when limited work is completed.
Pro Bono Certification for Retired and Inactive Attorneys, CRCP Rule 204.6
Allows a retired or inactive attorney otherwise not authorized to practice law in Colorado to be certified to provide pro bono legal services if certain conditions are met. CLS pays your application fee if you agree to volunteer with a CLS pro bono program.